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Why must this be the first sentence uttered by men when you get pregnant?

“A woman can endure all; every pain, every hurt, every bruise, but not one that she causes herself.”
I have decided to share this not because I want to tell my story, but because I want to heal even though that seems like too much to ask right now. I am not in the position to make demands. It is my only hope that someday, maybe, I will be able to forgive myself and move past this.

A woman never understands motherhood until she becomes one, or shall I rephrase; a woman never understands motherhood until she experiences what it takes and means to be a mother. It isn’t just about bringing a child into this world; it is about bringing yourself into this world. You are tied by the breath of life to the child you bring forth. 

The joys of a mother are that; like the cactus plant she has faced death and triumphed with life and for as long as she lives she will never experience anything as encouraging and comforting as her child’s first clutch of her thumb. It is not ordinary; and no person can understand what it means to be a mother until you become a mother, and becoming one was one of the things I dreaded most in life.

I had seen videos and heard people tell their ordeal of labor; how they screamed, how they were cut, how much of pain they felt. I had personally seen women in labor at hospitals; most with dried blood beneath their feet, trotting about with hands on their heads. I still hear their screams and can almost feel their pain, I shudder. So I’d always feared childbirth and associated it with much pain and even death. Maybe that in my subconscious was why I chose to die rather than live.

My name is not known and I don’t mean literally, but my name I think died along with him, my unborn child. I choose to think of it as a boy because I’d always thought of having a boy first; one that would look like his mother and will grow by my side. I’d always imagined him tall, and strong; a brave charm who will call me his older woman. But what I didn’t know was that he would peep in sooner, and I would choose his death over my life. 

That night I met him was like every other normal night and like every other normal day when you meet someone for the first time. We soon discovered we had a lot of things in common, and from there, spent a lot of time with each other.
So yeah—it happened. We fell in love, or should I say lust, whatever, but that isn’t the issue at stake here.  It was when I discovered I was pregnant, that my whole world came to a standstill. 

I’m the kind of woman who pays a lot of attention to my body, and so no slight changes escape me. For a couple of days, I had been feeling sick. I would wake up around 3-4am every day with morning sickness. Worst of it, I was still living with my parents, and my mom was rather inquisitive (yes, mothers are the same everywhere). So you can imagine how discreet I had to be with my health. I just couldn’t risk anyone knowing and confirming my suspicions.

I decided to let him know I was 4 days late on my period, and that was abnormal on my calendar. I was 24, but didn’t know anything about morning after pills or even how to use a condom. I only had him to trust with our one-time sex. 

To clear all doubts, we decided to take a home pregnancy test the next day. The anxiety was killing me; the doubts, crippling. I had never felt so lost in my life. I had to get away, from work, home, everyone, to sort myself out. 

He bought me two kits, and even as I pee’d on them, even as I knew within me what the results would be, I still fainted within when the home test tubes showed double lines. I couldn’t cry. I couldn’t scream. I could only stare blankly, numb, as if that would change my fate.

Then I walked back slowly to the room where he was waiting for me, and with the heaviest tongue said to him ‘I’m fucking pregnant’

“You’re not going to keep it are you?” 

Those words shot me back to life, but in huge sobs.

That day he drove me to hospital where I was to have the abortion, I could feel no life in me. I was in a room full of women, and I can swear they saw the guilt on my face. They knew what I was there for. 

Mine was an early pregnancy—one month old, and I choose to go with the pills. I was to take the first pill immediately, and take the second 24 hours later. I didn’t feel any pain after the first pill until I took the second pill same time the next day. I started bleeding immediately. It was a pain perhaps 100x my normal menstrual cramp. 

I bled for 12 continuous days.

Even though my ‘deed’ had been successful, the psychological trauma I went through was enough for me to wish an end to my life. I couldn’t bear the thought of children. I couldn’t have that word mentioned around me. I couldn’t stand the sight of little kids. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t stand seeing any pregnant woman. It brought me so much pain and anger. But there was another hard blow I couldn’t get over.

“You’re not going to keep it are you?” 

Somebody. Anybody. Please help me. Make me understand why the fuck in God’s name must this be the first sentence uttered by a man, when you get pregnant for him.

About the Author:

The Author of this post wishes to remain anonymous, and Sista respects her decision. 


  1. Had a sad smile on my face while reading this. First of all, I'm sorry you had to go through that. Hugs to you. Also, I'd like to promise you, not all men...not all.Some.
    I might come back with more to say, I think I'm a little overwhelmed right now. Again...hugs.

    1. Thank you for reading Amma, and writing this encouraging comment to her. It's rather sad the number of 'casualties' out there. Makes us wonder...

  2. “You’re not going to keep it are you?” A statement that usually comes out of fear. It's unfortunate you had to go through that ordeal. But like @AmmaKonadu said, "not all men". Some guys literally walk about in town with their d**ks in hand trying to locate where next to make an installation.

    Seen many of my female friends experience this even when they were warned of the dude. Not going to lay blame here but my advise is, sometime we need to drop the love and get into the head of the people we meet. I must say, as a guy, i have been in a situation like that before but didn't ask the question “You’re not going to keep it are you?”. There was panic, there was fear and shame was awaiting but i put myself together and asked "What do you want to do" because in the face of all this, i realised the ham has already been caused and was willing to face the music but to my surprise her response was "Don't worry, i will take care of it".

    You can imagine the look on my face. I asked her to walk me through what she just said and she did meticulously. There and then i knew i wasn't dealing with just a pretty face but someone who is used to that type of situation. Well, truth is we parted ways after that incident.

    We are all not the same. We may be grown in age, education, status etc but maturity goes deeper than that. Once again sorry for your experience and pain. Forgive him and forgive yourself. You didn't know this will happen.

    1. It's really great to know there are still some good men/ good people out there.

      But in the face of all those emotions; the fear, panic, and uncertainty, have these men stopped for a minute to think about the feelings of the woman? By all means, she is not exempted from all of those.

      In your case, you showed concern, maturity and responsibility by putting her first and asking her what she wanted to do--which of course is better than telling her what to do.

      Passing the 'you're not going to keep it' comment is rather selfish, childish and irresponsible, and sadly most of them (guys) get away with it.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We appreciate you!

    2. You have said it all perfectly K. There is really nothing left for me to say.

    3. Many do not put women first because society (including women) has trained them not to regard women. It is always about them (MEN). The needs of such men come first all the time. Which is why I said women and men alike should get into the heads of people they meet rather than focusing on similarities, interests, "love", infatuation etc.

      Some of my friends have done the things you spoke of in the article, no denying that. It comes down to the fabric of society.


    4. "Most of them get away with it". That is the truth.

      K. 'AhenQra' Akuamoah I am so impressed with how you reacted, and you raised a good point: sometimes the woman is the one who wants to "take care of it". It is sad and horrible, but it is the truth. But as I said on Twitter where the debate is still going on, not all men are a**holes, but we have to admit that most of the time they are the one asking the woman to "take care of tt".

  3. I am literally crying right now...

    1. We feel your pain sista. It's heartbreaking!

  4. Yup I literally was on the verge of tears earlier. Akuamoah made a good point. There's fear and panic and the opening of the mouth and you hear those words. It is sad that too many of us have had such experiences, but I am also very happy to be the same person to say per experience that there are good men out there.
    About the group of men who dish out this distasteful first reaction, it is hard to 'defend' some of them, but truly, some of them let the panic talk for them, then they calm down after and are reasonable. There are those who as Akuamoah said, are just a**holes, no doubt.
    We need to be really careful and be aware of our choices so we take precautions. It is painful, very painful, to face an unplanned pregnancy and the revelation that you were messing with an asshole, at the same time.
    Know what you want first and foremost, know them thoroughly, and make your choices accordingly. Being aware of what your priorities are and all that will inform your choices actions, and will minimize mistakes, I believe.

    Hugs, dear...lots of hugs!

  5. Be strong, forgive yourself, lots of mistakes are made on this journey called life. I am sure Our Father above has forgiven you too. You are a much better person now.Dont be too hard on yourself.


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