We want to tell the stories that are not told, because, “When we
share our stories, what it does is, it opens up our hearts for other people to
share their stories. And it gives us the sense that we are not alone on this
journey.”— Janine Shepherd
Want to share your story or join us as a contributor?
We pride ourselves in being a blog for women. Our blog is dedicated to discussing and bringing to light all issues of concern to women, especially the least spoken about, addressed or sidelined within our communities. We pay particular attention to those.
Abuse Stories, Gender Discrimination, Sexual Health, and Mental Health are only but a few of the pressing topics we beat the gong about on Sista Clinik. While we understand these issues affect everyone and just not women, we have dedicated ourselves to women only. This means that the ‘All lives matter’’ mantra is unapologetically not accepted here. For us, it’s about women; women lives matter!
Our blog is open to all women who have these stories to share. Because we haven’t been heard at all or enough. Until we are not only heard but listened to, until the world and its systems have been remoulded with equal opportunities, our voices will be heard through the tunnel of patriarchy, with echoes so loud barriers are left shaken.
Email us at sistaclinik@gmail.com with your personal story and we will write back to you. We also respect anonymity, so if you would like your story to be published anonymously, you only have to say the word.
For writers who wish to contribute via articles to the platform, we are more than happy to have you. Unfortunately, as of now, we are unable to offer any financial compensation as we are a very small team and lack financial support. Hopefully, someday soon, we will be able to do this.
Feel free to mention or chat with us on twitter @sistaclinik or find us on Facebook.
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