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Stranger Danger: When it smells fishy? Fake a call

So many stories to tell. I am a blogger myself, however I appreciate the voice your page carries.

When I was in 4th grade, after school, we went to the store for something; chips or a soda, something. I had on my school uniform, white blouse plaid skirt. The cashier was always nice, me and my mom came to this specific store often. He asks to show me something and I'm like "Ok." He shows me his boost mobile phone with a picture of his penis on there. I didn't really know what it was at that age so I didn't think anything of it. My mother was livid. She threatened the man, she bought people to the store. She went OFF! We never ever saw that man again, in life period.

My friend’s name is Nora. We are girls so one day she's using the bathroom while I'm showering. Before she flushes she turns the light off, bad habit she has. So one day she says she was in the projects at a party and she went to the bathroom. Again, before she flushes the toilet she turns the light off. Someone also attending the party was there, standing at the bathroom door. Before she could even open the door, he forces himself in and knocks her cold. She wakes up later to find he had his way with her. He even left her in the bathroom. She still sees this person every now and then.

Because of those two stories, family history of molestation, reading stories as you have on your blog, I do not play when it comes to strange men.

One day, I was stranded. I had a bad long horrific night and I just wanted to go home. Yes, I was with a boy and he refused to take me home. I waited till he fell asleep and snuck out of his home. 

He lived pretty far from me (about 5 miles) so I just ran. It was almost sunrise and I was still running. A man pulled next to me and I immediately felt relieved. I have jumped in the cars with strangers before so I felt as if I was a pro-reader. However, anytime I get in a stranger’s car I always call someone—anyone who is willing to answer the phone. 

So this guy lets me get in his car and the ambience is super uncomfortable. I thank him and try to give him directions. I call a friend, it's like 5am, but I was so glad she answered because he was not listening to my directions. He was Middle Eastern. He exposed himself. Immediately I told my friend "Mom, I'm on my way now. This man just gave me a ride, he's in a grey Nissan truck, first number of license plate is 7." He put his meat away and let me out the car. I still wasn't home, but I didn't care; too much for one night. I ran home, didn't get home till the sun came up.

I encourage women to fake phone call too. They don't know who you talking to, or if you’re even talking to someone. Keep a cell phone regardless if it works! You can always dial 911 anyway.

About the Author:

The Author of this post wishes to remain anonymous, and Sista respects her decision. 


  1. Thank you for sharing this story, I hope young girls are going to see this.

    1. Thank you too for reading Befoune. Our hope is that many ladies get to read this story.


  2. Pretty good advice. Thank you Sister �� Strength and Courage to you

    1. Yes it is Sinawo. Thank you for reading this post.


  3. After reading this story, I feel several emotions. First, disgust towards all the assailants, sorrow towards Nora for the ordeal she has been through and also the writer who has been through so much with all those around her being defiled and molested one way or the other. Then finally my anger sets in.

    - I am angry the cashier who is so perverted (and might even have pedophilia urges), he felt just alright showing his penis to a 4th grader.
    - I am so angry with that person who knocked Nora out cold and had his way with her. How can anybody be so callous? What happened to the love we are supposed to have as humans?

    - I am also mad about that guy who made the writer go through such a horrific night she had to run and just run.

    - I am so mad, so very mad at the stranger who obviously picks up stranded women to have his way with them.

    Listen to me ladies, these experiences are very painful but I believe in time, your wounds will heal. I am so sorry you had to go through this. Nobody deserves this.

    1. Thank you NJ for expressing such sentiments Naana. We appreciate you.



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