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Sticky Situation: How far should a woman go to get a man to pay attention to her needs?

The woman who asks for nothing deserves everything. Well, yes! Totally true with Disney princesses but wait, Cinderella asked to go to the ball, right? 

This quote used to be one of my favorites until recently when I came to understand that “The woman who asks for nothing receives nothing!”

Now let’s establish a point here. Women must understand that in a relationship, the boyfriend is not a personal bank account.

Some women go as far as dumping all their financial snags on the man; money for wigs, money for shoes, money for lingerie, money to fix a broken nail, money to fix a torn slipper. Hello? Whatever happened to your dad? 

A woman can earn too, and in fact she must! If you ask me, it’s a great achievement to be able to open up my purse, smell my hard earned ‘cash’ and spend it on me. Yes I earned it! 

Now let’s not get too excited here, there’s a second part.

Men, the fact that your woman’s keeping her sh*t together, doesn’t mean you should turn a blind eye to her needs.

Some men think “Oh she doesn’t ask, she doesn’t need”. 

No no, she doesn’t ask because she expects you to know. That ain’t complicated. It’s called maintenance. Take. Care. Of. Your. Woman!

Women drop subtle hints every time about the state of their pockets, and they expect men to be able to read in between the lines. But some men just don’t get it or they pretend to miss it.

For instance, you pass by the store with her and she eyes a navy blue dress. What’s more, you know that’s her favorite color.

Then she says to you, “Gosh, never felt a tighter month”.

Come on man, you’ve got to be kidding me if you didn’t catch the hint. It was right there in your ears.

Another thing some men do is ask their women to make their favorite soups without adding the notes.

Now one woman said “If he can ask me to cook for him, and I don’t ask for money for groceries, then he shouldn’t b*tch around when I ask for some bills for my hair

Donna and Carl have been seeing each other for 3 years now. She never asks for anything. They go out together. Sometimes she pays, other times he pays.

So Donna happened to face some financial crisis. Her dad lost his job and fell ill, her mum used up all their savings on her dad and Donna, being the eldest had to take on the responsibility of supporting her family with her meager monthly salary.

On their 3rd Anniversary, she managed to surprise Carl with a candlelit dinner and an expensive watch. He got her nothing, but Donna didn’t mind.

Later that week, things got so bad that Donna and her siblings had nothing to eat at home. She mustered courage and explained the ‘hunger’ situation through text to Carl. Neither money nor food came from him.

Donna’s friend however came to the rescue through the same text. When she asked Carl about it, he got angry and asked her why she didn’t ask him for money. She apologized and thought maybe after he would send something, but still nothing.

Donna has decided to leave, she cannot be with a guy who seems insensitive to her plights.

Perhaps Carl is the type of man who would want his woman to make demands. The Question is how far should a woman go to get a man to pay attention to her needs?

The answer? As far as Carl wants.

So women, next time your man doesn’t heed to your subtle requests, open your beautiful cherry lips and demand the fix!


  1. If you love her like jack and rose in titanic..... she would not have to even give you a hint. love does that all. can't imagine doing that to her and still claim I love her.

    1. Exactly Samuel. Women drop subtle hints all the time. And if your woman is not the type who 'asks' or demands anything, then you should be paying attention to these little signs.
      Thanks for reading, hope you stick around some more.



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